3.9 The Clash of Civilizations

There can be no true friends without true enemies. Unless we hate what we are not, we cannot love what we are.

The central theme of this book is that culture and cultural identities, which at the broadest level are civilization identities, are shaping the patterns of cohesion, disintegration, and conflict in the post-Cold War world.

For the first time in history, global politics is both multipolar and multicivilizational: modernization is distinct from Westernization and is producing neither a universal civilization in any meaningful sense nor the Westernization of non-Western societies. (世界正从单极文明走向多极文明并存)

The balance of power among civilizations is shifting: the West is declining in relative influence; Asian civilizations are expanding their economic, military, and political strength; Islam is exploding demographically with destabilizing consequences for Muslim countries and their neighbors, and non-Western civilizations generally are reaffirming the value of their own cultures. (各个文明之间的均势状态发生变化)

A civilization-based world order emerging: societies sharing cultural affinities cooperate with each other; efforts to shift societies from one civilization to another are unsuccessful, and countries group themselves around the lead or core states of their civilization. (文明的冲突带来国际秩序的改变)

The West’s universalist pretensions increasingly bring it into conflict with other civilizations, most seriously with Islam and China; at the local level fault line wars, largely between Muslims and non-Muslims, generate “kin-country rallying.” the threat of broader escalation, and hence efforts by core states to halt these wars. (西方“普世文明”与其他文明之间的冲突)

The survival of the West depends on Americans reaffirming their Western identity and Westerners accepting their civilization as unique not universal and uniting to renew and preserve it against challenges from non-Western societies. Avoidance of a global war of civilizations depends on world leaders accepting and cooperating to maintain the multicivilizational character of global politics. (合作避免全球文明战争,建立多级文明的全球政治)



贵族战争——民族国家的冲突——意识形态之争(法西斯 [Fascism] 和反法西斯之争 [anti-fascism] )——冷战后进入文明冲突新阶段。作者认为20世纪战争的本质不是国家与国家的斗争,而是意识形态的冲突。



  • 西方文明
  • 中国儒家文明
  • 日本文明
  • 伊斯兰文明
  • 印度文明
  • 东正文明
  • 拉丁美洲文明
  • 非洲文明





文明是比较本质、很难改变的差异。比如,国籍可以改变,但是文化标签很难改变 如今由于经济联系越来越多,人们在交往中意识到彼此的文明不同,强化了各自的身份认同。


  • “现代化”:西方文明的关键词
  • 血腥的殖民化:西方制度的传播
  • 带来繁荣:剥削与不平等
  • 西方文明演进的三部曲:武力——制度——意识形态的传播
  • 西方文明不能攻破的是:宗教




  • 文明内部整合的关键:有无核心国家。
  • 冲突的主要来源:不同文明的断层线。

