1.1 Thinking Fast and Slow


  1. 大脑的运作是双核系统,有快(系统1)与慢(系统2)两种系统模式。

  2. 误区:主导决策和判断的主角是系统2?其实真正的主角是系统1,系统2只是配角。因为大多数情况下都是系统1在处理,而系统1用直觉进行思考判断的速度非常快,快到往往在人们还没有意识到就将问题处理完了。而如果让系统2来处理,凡事都通过深思熟虑来做决策,实在是太耗费脑力和精力。

  3. 系统1和系统2的运作机制: 这两个系统之间的互动,构成了大脑认知和思考的运作机制:大多数情况下是系统1用直觉来快速处理,只有在系统1遇到解决不了的问题时,才求助于系统2,系统2才会调动注意力、分析力来思考和解决问题。

  • 优势:这样既能节约脑力,又能解决绝大多数问题。
  • 弊端:我们容易被系统1也就是直觉所欺骗和糊弄。



  1. 简单联想:指做决定并不是深思熟虑根据分析和判断来进行,而是直觉系统启动联想效应,以联想到的相关事情来作为判断的重要依据。

  2. 易得性判断:指只利用大脑能够想得起来的信息进行判断。直觉系统的这个漏洞,会给决策带来很多问题。比如:100个因素需要分析,大脑只能想到5个因素,直觉就会只用这5个因素来拼凑一个合理的结论。

  3. 因果联系:指直觉系统习惯于用因果关系解释自己观察到的现象,否认随机性。

1.1.1 Part 1: Two systems The characters of the story

系统1: 毫不费力的直觉性思考,如识别一张愤怒的脸 系统2: 需要自我控制,如做乘法题目(自我控制的典型实验是延迟性满足,小孩和糖果的实验)


Hui: 自我控制需要能量,系统2使用过度会消耗过多的能量而无法自控。区分在什么事情上使用系统2非常重要。 Attention and effort

在实际生活中,系统1是主角,系统2是配角。大部分情况下是由系统1接管我们的思维,系统2默认系统1的决策,在系统1遇到麻烦系统2才会出面解决。系统2是很懒的,奉行最省力原则——能不接管思维就不接管思维。当它接管思维的时候,人的注意力会集中,瞳孔放大,需要努力才能够维持注意力的集中。 The lazy controller

  • 自我控制和仔细思考会抢夺努力的有限预算。大多数人保持连贯的思维或时不时积极思考都需要自我控制力。(实验:看不见的大猩猩)
  • 心流:一种将大脑注意力毫不费力集中起来的状态,这种状态可以使人忘却时间的概念,忘掉自己,也忘掉自身问题。心流状态下,集中注意力关注吸引人的事并不要求自我控制(这时系统1接管)。
  • 人若既有认知任务在手,又同时受到诱惑的影响,就容易屈从于诱惑,更有可能作出自私的选择,会用带有性别歧视的字眼,并在社交场合作出肤浅的评判。喝几杯酒,或者一夜没睡会产生同样的结果。过度关注自己完成一项任务的结果,就会给其短时记忆增加毫无意义的思想负担,进而影响其整体表现。
  • Ego depletion: 如果你必须强迫自己去做某件事,而此时这件事又面临一个新的挑战,你就会很不情愿或是根本无法自我控制。如果有强大动力抑制Ego depletion,是可以做到的。
  • 神经系统消耗的葡萄糖比身体其他部位消耗的都要多。我们可以通过吃甜食来补充自我控制的消耗。
  • 聪明不仅是指推理能力,也指在记忆中搜寻相关信息和在必要时调动注意力的能力。 The associative machine

priming effect: Priming is a technique whereby exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention.

Some doubts about the priming effect:

Kahneman’s respond:

“What the blog gets absolutely right is that I placed too much faith in underpowered studies. …I have changed my views about the size of behavioral priming effects – they cannot be as large and as robust as my chapter suggested.”

  • Replication crisis

  • 系统1编了一个故事,系统2相信了这个故事。

  • Bananas Vomit

  • 思维影响行动:想到老的概念,行动会变慢。

  • 行动影响思维:“我让自己微笑,这样做我也的确感觉好多了!” Cognitive ease

  • 反复的体验、清楚的示范、预知的想法、好心情会带来认知放松
  • 认知放松会带来熟悉感,真实感,好感,不费力感
  • 熟悉了,就会喜欢(曝光效应)
  • 认知放松会导致系统2变得更懒,更容易被骗。
  • 于是,通过不断重复,人们分不清熟悉感和真相。(营销的大技能) Norms, surprises and causes

  • 系统1负责维护常态下的思维模式:从第一次的惊喜到第二次的习以为常。当事态发展不符合常态,会趋向于进行因果上的解释,虽然有时候只是强加因果(简的钱包是怎么丢的呢?) A machine for jumping to conclusions

  • 不信任和质疑是系统2的工作,但是系统2很懒,累了的时候就更加懒,所以容易因为联想机制带来的“确认偏误”而产生偏见(山姆友好吗 vs 山姆是不是很不友好)
  • 光环效应,看你顺眼,就看你做什么都顺眼(“她对这个人的管理技能一无所知。之所以对他印象很好,是因为曾经听他作过一次精彩的报告。”)
  • 群体的智慧的前提是,群体的观察需要独立以排除系统性偏差。(“在讨论之前大家先独自考虑一下这个问题,这样可以避免观点的相互干扰,这样更利于集思广益。”) 眼见为实(WYSIATI——“What you see is all there is”):判决时候,听了一方的陈述,觉得很赞成,听了双方意见,反而整个人都不好了- -。(“他们并不想了解更多信息,因为那样可能会破坏整个故事情节。他们更愿意相信眼见即为事实。”) How judgement happen

  • 系统1足够通过一瞥以判定某人的吸引力(看照片预测竞选胜出者准确率高达70%) 系统1擅长估算,能够快速一瞥以得到一段线段长度的均值,而不能马上得到总长度。 系统1通过与强度等级进行联想匹配来进行快速的比较
  • 系统1偏爱思维的发散,用一个简单的问题来替换到当前回答的较为复杂的问题(后面还会提到) Answering an easier question

  • 替代指的是系统1遇到复杂问题(目标问题)时候,用简单问题(启发性问题)来绕开原问题的“偷懒”做法。(“别人问我们的问题是这位候选人是否会成功,但我们要回答的问题似乎是她是否能成功应对采访。咱们还是别顾左右而言他了。” )
  • 立体启发法:近大远小
  • 情感启发式:因为喜欢,所以认同(感觉类似上文提到的光环效应)。样例:“他喜欢这个项目,因此他认为该项目投入少、回报高。这是情感启发式的一个典型案例。”

1.1.2 Part 2: Heuristics and biases The law of small numbers

  • 轻信小样本,人为给事件强加因果
  • 系统1能够自动且毫不费力地给事件之间建立因果联系,即使不存在因果关系,它依然会这样认为
  • 系统1不擅长处理“纯统计学”——因为数字可以改变概率,但是不能直接改变结果的发生(受过统计学训练的人能够一定程度上客服这个问题,但是不可能完全克服,所以完全理性的经济人是不存在的)
  • 系统1不擅长质疑,如果一个信息没有因为太离谱而被否认掉,那么它就会启动联想效应,系统1就会把其中的因果串联起来,并且忽略掉那些不明确的信息(往往是统计数字,样本是30还是300往往被忽略),而导致了严重的偏见。
  • 对随机事件做出因果解释,必然是错的(经典案例,“根本不存在投篮顺手的球员”) 关于大数法则:
  • 大样本比小样本更精确
  • 小样本比大样本产生极端结果的概率大 上面两句话是同一个意思 Anchors

  • 典型案例:幸运轮盘+非洲比例
  • 锚定效应跟系统1和系统2都有关系,前者是启动效应,后者是调整不足。
  • 暗示(启动效应):144岁的甘地
  • 系统2的失误——调整不足:下高速了进入城市街道,虽然减速了,但是速度依然还是很快。被投诉音乐声音太大,根据要求调节到了自己认为合适的音量,但是对于他人来说,依然很吵。
  • 容易被利用:抬高售价以制造高锚定,法官判决的锚定系数有50%,限购以拉动消费 (Black peal example in Predictable Irrational)
  • 对抗方法,看到可能带有锚定效应的数字,主动激活系统2,“有意地为对方着想”; “给判决设定上限” The science of avaliability

  • 是一种替代:实际需要估测的是某一范畴的大小或者某一事件的发生频率,却很容易转变成了衡量自己想到相关实例的轻松程度。
  • 以下因素容易导致我们使用可得性启发法
    • 自己注意的突出事件,比如娱乐圈丑闻
    • 大事件,飞机失事
    • 亲身经历 > 别人的事,生动图片鲜活例子 > 统计数据
  • 意识到自己的偏见有助于夫妻和睦和团队融洽——认识到自己的贡献没有想象中大,对方的贡献没有想象中小
  • 可得性偏见影响我们对自己或者他人的看法:“那些列举了12件事的人认为和只列举了6件事的人相比,自己不够果断。而且,列举出自己表现不够果断的12件事的那些受试者最终却认为自己非常果断!如果无法轻松地想起懦弱的事例,你可能就会说自己一点也不懦弱。自我评估是由事件呈现在脑海中的轻松度来衡量的。轻松地想起某件事的体验比想起事情的数量更重要。”
  • 可得性偏见主要是由系统1产生,系统2的参与能够降低其偏见,而且过度自信也容易导致偏见(“这位执行总裁连续多次成功,因此失败不会轻易在她的脑海中出现。可得性偏见使得她过于自信。”) Availability, emotion and risk

  • 对抗效应层叠

  • 这里提到了情感启发式和可得性效应的关系:不同寻常的事件(尤其在经过媒体的熏染之后)容易导致强烈的情感,让我们对其印象深刻,于是更加容易想到(可得性),于是导致了我们高估了其发生的概率。

  • 效用层叠,集体信念形成的自我增强过程:比如媒体报道,大V转发,然后群众互相传播。(最极致的效用层叠:恐怖主义)

  • 试图抑制效用层叠产生的恐怖反而会有“欲盖弥彰”的嫌疑

  • 本质上,是因为我们的大脑对于小风险,要么完全忽视,要么过于重视,没有中间地带。

  • 由于效用层叠是跟系统1紧密联系,所以几乎无法对其进行忽视。 Tom W’s specialty

  • 典型性(stereotype)会让我们忽略了事情的基础比率(base rate, Prior probability in Bayes),事例:汤姆的专业是什么? 用典型性来判断概率有着重要的优点——比乱猜一气要精确,不过它有两宗罪: 过于喜爱预测不可能发生(低基础比率)的事件。(在纽约地铁上读纽约时报的是博士还是没有大学文凭的人?)

  • 对证据的质量不够敏感——眼见为实(“对人冷淡,缺乏同情心”等主观性描述通常不可信 )

  • 使用贝叶斯法则能够约束直觉:“例如,如果你相信有3%的研究生是被计算机科学专业录取的(基础比率),你还相信汤姆是该领域研究生的可能性是其他领域的4倍,贝叶斯定理就会认为,你必须相信汤姆是计算机科学家的概率是11%。此外,如果基础比率是80%,那你眼中的新概率就应该是94.1%,以此类推。”

  • “草坪修整得很好,接待员看起来很能干,家具也十分抢眼,但这并不意味着这是一家经营状况良好的公司。我希望董事会不要依照典型性启示作出判断。”

  • “这家新成立的企业看起来好像不会倒闭,但是这个行业的成功基础比率非常之低。我们又怎么能知道这家企业就是个特例(一定能成功)呢?”

  • “他们一直在重复犯同样的错误:用并不充分的证据来预测罕见的事件。当证据不充分时,我们应该以基础比率作为判断依据。”

  • “我知道这份报告绝对是具有毁灭性意义的,也许它的证据十分确凿,但我们凭什么相信呢?我们必须在做计划时保持一定的怀疑态度才行。” Linda: less is more

  • 琳达问题是一个合取谬误:
    1. 琳达,31岁,单身,一位直率又聪明的女士,主修哲学。在学生时代,她就对歧视问题和社会公正问题较为关心,还参加了反核示威游行。
    2. 琳达是银行出纳。 琳达是银行出纳,还积极参与女权运动。

结果是大部分的人,包括研究生等高学历,都会偏向认为第二项比较有可能——典型性偏见打败了逻辑。 对情节加以详述会使其更加可信,却(从概率和逻辑上来说)更不可能成为事实。(加利福利亚的地震)

  • 少即是多:做单一评估的时候,把普通的商品加入到贵重的商品当中后,人们对商品的估计反而降低了。——系统1取的是平均值,而不是累计值。(可以用来解释琳达问题) 系统2的惰性也是导致判断失误的部分原因 Cause trump statistics

在出租车司机的例子中,当人们不知道怎么运用基础比率(统计学信息)时候,就会忽略它。如果故意突出基础比率并且形成了思维定式的时候,人们反而会“正确”地使用基础比率。 统计学基础比率普遍受到轻视,当人们手头有于该事件相关的具体信息是,有时还会完全忽略这一比率。 因果关系基础比率被视为个别事件的信息,人们很容易将这一比率与其他具体事件的信息结合起来考虑问题 “我们并没有自己想的那样乐于助人”里面,说明了教学时候“令人惊讶的统计学事实”被学生忽略掉(“默默地将自己,以及他们的朋友和熟人,排除在外”)而学不到东西,学生惊讶于个体案例时,反而能够学到知识。 Regression to the mean

之前表现很差,那么之后的表现很有可能会进步,之前表现得很好,那么之后的表现很有可能会变差。这是回归平均值现象,是一种(因为运气而带来的)随机的波动,但是同样人们依然爱使用因果对其进行解释(飞行员) 相关性和回归平均值是从不同视角对于同一个概念做出的阐释:只要两个数值之间的相关度不高,就会出现回归平均值的情况。例子:“聪明的- 女人常常会嫁给不如他们聪明的男人”的原因之一是“夫妻二人的智商之间的相关性并不是绝对的”。 回归平均值虽然正确,但也无聊,人们依然趋向于使用因果性来解释事件具有很强的偏见。 回归效应能够用来解释现象,却无法找到原因 用因果性来解释回归效应,都是不对的,因为回归效应带有随机性。 Taming intuitive predictions

问题:“朱莉现在是一名州立大学4年级的学生。她4岁就能流畅地进行阅读。她的平均绩点(GPA)是多少?” 对于上述类型的问题,人们解答的时候通常会用到替代和强度匹配,最后的结果就是偏离了平均值(也可以说是忽略了基础比率) How to get unbiased estimated: Start with an estimate of average GPA. Determine the GPA that matches your impression of the evidence. Estimate the correlation between your evidence and GPA. If the correlation is .30, move 30% of the distance from the average to the matching GPA The apprach to prediction is general. You can apply it whenever you need to predict a quantitative variable. The approach builds on your intuition, but it moderates it, regresses it toward the mean. 都包含一种基准线预测,如果你对手头这个案例的情况一无所知,便会作出这种预测。在绝对的情况下,这个基准线是基础比率;在有数字的情况下,这个基准线就是相关结果的平均值。 都包含一种直觉预测,无论是可能性或是平均绩点,这种预测会将呈现在大脑中的数值通通表达出来。 在上述两种情况中,你的目的都是要作出一种预测,这种预测可在基础比率和直觉性反应之间充当媒介。在没有什么有价值的信息的情况下,你会坚守基准线。在其他极端情况下,你还会坚守自己最初的预测。当然,只有在对支持自己最初预测的证据进行过严格验证之后,你才会信心十足地坚持那个预测。在大多数情况下,你会发现自己有理由怀疑自己的直觉判断和真理之间的关联其实并不完美,而你最终会给出介于两者之间的判断。第三部分 过度自信与决策错误 总结归纳

1.1.3 Part 3: Overconfidence The illusion of understanding

Narrative fallacy: (The Black Swan) Flawed stories of the past shape our views of the world and our expectations for the future due to our continuous attempt to make sense of the world. The explanatory stories that people find compelling are simple; are concrete rather than abstract; assign a larger role to talent, stupidity, and intentions than to luck [吸引人们眼球需要的是一个通俗的好故事。夸张了个人的天资,忽略了运气成分。]; and focus on a few striking events that happened rather than on the countless events that failed to happen. Any recent salient event is a candidate to become the kernel of a causal narrative. 光环效应带来的错觉:希特勒怎么会喜欢狗和小鸡呢? 眼见为实:最大程度忽略自己的无知,根据可得信息构建不错的故事,然后相信它。 后见之明:如果一个事件发生了,人们会夸大自己之前预测的可能性;如果一个事件没有发生,人们会说自己之前也觉得不太可能发生。(“我早知道了。。。”) 这导致了决策者变得保守——与其事后被骂玩忽职守,还不如一开始就不要冒险了。如果领导人敢于冒险而且足够幸运,那么他就会带上了有远见、英勇果敢的耀眼光环。企业长青的秘诀?作者认为是是没有的。公司成功和执行总裁之间的相关系数是0.3左右,换句话说,还有很大程度上是运气因素,于是会出现回归均值的现象。然而读者需要的是好的故事,是企业成功和失败的某些要素。于是相关书籍还是很畅销的。 The illusion of validity

Illusion of Validity 一种替代问题的典型实例:“我们的预测是完全不能回归的,我们仅仅根据非常薄弱的证据就推测失败或者大获全胜,没有给自己留一点余地” Subjective confidence in a judgment is not a reasoned evaluation of the probability that this judgment is correct. Confidence is a feeling, which reflects the coherence of the information and the cognitive ease of processing it. It is wise to take admissions of uncertainty seriously, but declarations of high confidence mainly tell you that an individual has constructed a coherent story in his mind, not necessarily that the story is true. We knew as a general fact that our predictions were little better than random guesses, but we continued to feel and act as if each of our specific predictions was valid. Illusion of stock-picking skill “金融专家也是在仔细研读每份晚报之后才对当天的大事做出令人信服的解释的” What support the illusion of skill and validity? Professional culture People can maintain an unshakable faith in any proposition when they are sustained by a community of like-minded beievers. “我可是很努力才成为专家的啊,我的预测怎么可能还比不上瞎猜的猴子呢?”(因为猴子能够平均无偏地对待每种可能) “问题不在于这些专家是否训练有素,而在于他们的世界是否可预测的”

Lessons: Errors of prediction are inevitable because the world is unpredictable High subjective confidence is not to be trusted as an indicator of accuracy Intuitions vs. Formulas

Each of these domains entails a significant degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. We describe them as “low-validity environments”. In every case, the accuracy of experts was matched or exceeded by a simple algorithm. [当一个领域有很强的不确定性和不可预见性,也就是“有效性低的环境”时,公式运算比人工判断往往会更加有效] Medical: longevity of cancer patients; length of hospital stays; diagnosis of cardiac disease; susceptibility of babies to sudden infant death syndrome Economic: prospects of success for new businesses; evaluation of credit risks by banks; future career satisfaction of workers Government agency: assessments of the suitability of foster parents; odds of recidivism among juvenile offenders; likelihood of other forms of violent behavior Others: evaluation of scientific presentations; winners of football games; future prices of Bordeaux wine Why? 1. Experts try to be clever, think outside the box, and consider complex combinations of features in making their predictions. Complexity may work in the odd case, but more often than not it reduces validity. 1. Humans are incorrigibly inconsistent in making summary judgements of complex information. When asked to evaluate the same information twice, they frequently give different answers.

To maximize predictive accuracy, final decisions should be left to formulas, especially in low-validity environments.

The aversion to algorithms making decisions that affect humans is rooted in the strong preference that many people have for the natural over the synthetic or artificial…The prejudice against algorithms is magnified when the decisions are consequential…for most people, the cause of a mistake matters. [人们更多的是关注因果,公式的因果解释往往比不上直觉的因果解释。]

作者想告诉我们的事:不要简单相信直觉判断,无论是自己的还是他人的,但是也不要万全抛开它。我们可以做“闭眼决策” Expert Intuition: When can we trust it?

专家型什么时候是可信的? When both of the conditions are satisfied, intuitions are likely to be skilled [环境有规律可循时,直觉才可信。]: An environment that is sufficiently regular to be predictable [一个可预测、有足够规律可循的环境] An opportunity to learn these regularities through prolonged practice [一次通过长期训练学习这些规律的机会] Differnt environments; Regular: chess, bridge, poker Zero-validity: stick, politics Worse than irregular: learn wrong lessons from experience [ex. Lewis Thomas, physician in early 19C, typhoid(伤寒), palpate the patient’s tongue] 情感是可以快速习得的,比如巴甫洛夫的狗——习得的希望;路过斜坡想起被骂——习得的恐惧。而且通常恐惧更加容易习得。 情感习得很快,但是专业技能习得可能很慢(专家的一万小时定律)

在环境缺乏牢固的规律时候,不要相信直觉 临床心理学家、股票投资者以及经济学这都掌握了各自领域的直觉性技能,但是他们无法鉴别因直觉导致错误的情景跟任务,这是他们预测环境的局限性,所以他们对技能的过分自信是不合理的,他们的预测不会有他们想象的那么准确(当然,用公式运算出来的结果也不会强多少,因为环境是“低效度”的)

People’s confidence in a belief was traced to two related impressions: cognitive ease and coherence. We are confident when the story we tell ourselves comes easily to mind, with no contradiction and no competing scenario. But ease and coherence do not guarantees that a belief held with confidence is true. The associative machine is set to suppress doubt and to evoke ideas and information that are compatible with the currently dominant story.

Our conclusion was that for the most part it is possible to distinguish intuitions that are likely to be valid from those that are likely to be bogus. If the environment is sufficiently regular and if the judge has had a chance to learn its regularities, the associative machinery will recognize situations and generate quick and accurate predictions and decisions. you can trust someone’s intuitions if these conditions are met. The Outside View

  • Inside view: we focus on our specific circumstances and searched for evidence in our own experiences. We fail to allow for “unknown unknowns”. There are many ways for any plan to fail, and although most of them are too improbable to be anticipated, the likelihood that something will go go wrong in a big project is high.

  • Planning fallacy: overly optimistic forecasts of the outcome [Contractors of kitchen renovations and of weapon systems readily admit that they routinely make most of their profit on additions to the original plan.]

  • The prevalent tendency to underweight or ignore distributional information is perhaps the major source of error in forecasting. Planners should therefore make every effort to frame the forecasting problem so as to facilitate utilizing all the distributional in formation that is available. [Bent Flyvbjerg, Danish planning expert]

  • The cure to the planning fallacy: using such distributional information from other ventures similar to that being forecasted [i.e taking an “outside view”], also known as: Reference class forecasting

  • The practices recommended for overcoming base-rate neglect: 1. Identify an appropriate reference class 2. Obtain the statistics of the reference class. Use the statistics to generate a baseline prediction. 3. Use specific information about the case to adjust the baseline prediction, if there are particular reasons to expect the optimistic bias to be more or less pronounced in this project than in others of the same type The Engine of Capitalism

  • The planning fallacy is only one of the manifestations of a pervasive optimistic bias. Most of us view the world as more benign than it really is, our own attributes as more favorable than they truly are, and the goals we adopt as more achievable than they are likely to be. We also tend to exaggerate our ability to forecast the future, which fosters optimistic overconfidence. The optimistic bias may well be the most significant of the cognitive biases. It can be both a blessing and a risk.

  • An optimistic attitude is largely inherited, and it is part of a general disposition for well-being, which may also include a preference for seeing the bright side of everything.

  • Optimistic individuals play a disproportionate role in shaping our lives.

  • Hypothesis: the people who have the greatest influence on the lives of others are likely to be optimistic and overconfident, and to take more risks than they realize.

1.1.4 Part 4: Choices

Question: What rules govern people’s choices between different simple gambles and between gambles and sure things? Bernoulli’s error

  • We are not Econs but Humans

To a psychologist, it is self-evident that people are neither fully rational nor completely selfish, and that their tastes are anything but stable. Their view of the world is limited by the information that is available at a given moment. 经济人(Econs) vs人类(Humans):前者是理性且自私的,倾向性没有发生变化。而后者拥有系统1。

  • Expected utility theory was not intended as a psychological model; it was a logic of choice, based on elementary rules (axioms) of rationality. (期待效用理论:假设了人类是完全理性的,是根据自己(或者纯概率上)的期待来进行选择。)

  • Psychophysics was founded and named by the German psychologist and mystic Gustav Fechner [1801-1887]. Fechner was obsessed with the relation of mind and matter. On one side there is a physical quantity that can vary, such as the energy of a light, the frequency of a tone, or an amount of money. On the other side there is a subjective experience of brightness, pitch, or value. Mysteriously, variations of the physical quantity cause variations in the intensity of quality of the subjective experience. Fechner’s project was to find the psychological laws that relate the subjective quantity in the observer’s mind to the objective quantity in the material. Bernoulli proposed that the diminishing marginal value of wealth is what explains risk aversion – the common preference that people generally show for a sure thing over a favorable gamble of equal or slightly higher expected value. Bernoulli’s insight was that a decision maker with diminishing marginal utility for wealth will be risk averse. [伯努利的财富效用理论:认为人们的选择不是基于金钱价值,而是心理价值——即“效用”,而财富和效用之间是对数关系的亦即,财富的边际价值递减现象,穷人买保险,富人卖保险]

  • Theory-induced blindness: once you have accepted a theory and used it as a tool in your thinking, it is extraordinarily difficult to notice its flaws. This theory is seriously wrong because it ignores the fact that utility depends on the history of one’s wealth, not only on present wealth. [但伯努利的理论还有缺陷——忽略了参考值带来的的效应。] Prospect Theory

  • 前景理论想说明,我们是趋向避免损失的——因为比起收益,我们对损失更加敏感。 如果选项中有确定的得或者可能更多的得(也有很小的可能什么都得不到的“失”),那么我们趋向于避免损失(即选前者)

  • 如果选项中有确定的失或者可能更大的失(也有很小的可能不会损失的“得”),那么我们会趋向于冒险(即选后者)。

  • 前景理论引入了参考点,降低的敏感度和损失厌恶这三个原则

  • 前景理论的局限性在于它无法应对“失望”——这时候参考点会被拉向损失(后悔自己怎么没有得)